Specifically, our overall approach to investing at Ballheim Financial LLC is primarily passive although we seek strategic alternatives within the passive strategy when appropriate. Research strongly suggests that a passive asset allocation approach will produce a more reliable, predictable and manageable investment discipline and methodology. A passive investment approach translates to lower expenses for our clients which directly correlates to higher returns. “There’s definitely a correlation between lower fees and performance,” explains Morningstar mutual fund analyst Laura Pavlenko Lutton. “High fees eat into your returns year after year.”
As a fee-based only Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), we charge a fixed percentage on assets under management regardless of the portfolio composition. This way we have the exact same goal as our client’s, produce the highest expected return at the lowest risk relative to your investment goals. We have no incentive to guide you towards expensive investment options. We receive no compensation or perks from any investment company, any fund, any family of funds, or any vendor or service provider we use or recommend.
Ballheim Financial LLC primarily utilizes web-based technologies and paperless filing techniques in order to keep company overhead to a minimum. Because of our low overhead and our passive investment approach, clients of Ballheim Financial LLC will often attain lower fees and overall expenses than they would working with traditional firms utilizing archaic methods of conducting their business.